Code Black Higher Education
The eduction sector plays a unique role in the lives of young people when they first reach independence. As they learn and grow some make mistakes, others experience mental health challenges. Both situations can see individuals choose to use problem behaviour. Managing individuals who pose a risk requires support from robust policies and processes along with teams who are skilled in identifying and at least initially assessing the level of risk that may be posed.
Assessing and Managing the threat posed by individuals
Organisational Risk Management | Process and Systems
Skill Building for Staff - Face-to-Face Executive Workshops | Training | e-Training
Policy and Process Review
Capacity Building Consultations for Violence Risk Management Teams
RNA Consultation and Advice
Extensive University client base across all states in Australia and New Zealand
Peak body engagement
Aggression research and publications

Proactively addressing the risk posed by those who use aggression is critical to the wellbeing of all students and staff.
Violence Risk Management for Safety and Brand Reputation

A student was fixated on
mass homicides, researching
on library computers bomb technology... Code Black diagnosed underlying pathologies and pathway to violence behaviours that provided safety to the University staff and students and the students family who were at higher risk of harm. Support services were linked in and the police received a detailed risk analysis that supported positive action.
Behavioural Threat Assessment and Management
Equipping Staff to defensibly Manage Student Behaviour

Behavioural threat assessment and management team's enhance and protect
brand in today's reputation economy. Universities have experienced the
impact of events with violence on their individual and collective reputations.
Code Black behavioural threat assessment and management training 'joined the dots' on managing aggression from students by linking the training to behavioural codes of conduct and university regulations through practical scenario and empirical evidence on managing aggression.
The training delivered the framework for defensible decision making providing senior management confidence to trust difficult and delicate cases to the team to manage.
High profile academics are vulnerable to aggression

Senior academics and executives
of a university are public figures.
One university had several staff being targeted, receiving gifts from an anonymous admirer.
The 'gift' giving was more concerning than it presented as the individual was stalking the staff member, engaging in approach behaviour and posing a possible risk to support staff and her family. Code Black identified the risk and implemented a management plan.