Training, Workshops & Conferences

Code Black workshops are bespoke to equip your organisation with the skills to identify and manage those who are challenging to manage...
​​Threat Management Training
The Code Black Threat Management Workshop has been created to assist academic staff, front-line staff, threat assessment teams and senior management to:
Avoid the badly behaved draining resources;
Use procedural fairness to meet obligations to all parties;
Assess the risk of violence;
Manage the risk of escalation to violence;
Avoid adverse legal findings.
Code Black is engaged to design and run workshops for executive management teams from both private and government agencies that focus on identifying and developing responses to aggression in the workplace from customers, students and staff.
Code Black can also provide behavioural risk management framework advice.
Workshops and Conferences
Code Black offers a interactive workshops tailored to the organisations specific requirements, needs and organisational policies. Training material will be provided. Dr Lisa Warren offers in-depth training and practical solutions for staff across settings (i.e. education, healthcare, government).
Code Black offer the following types of workshops:
Half Day
One Day
Two Day
Common workshops requested include, but not limited to:
De-escalation training;
Identifying and responding to problem behaviour;
Supporting those targeted by problem behaviour;
Training of risk assessment tools (i.e. HCR-20).
Please contact Code Black if you would like Dr Lisa Warren to be a keynote speaker. Dr Warren has extensive experience presenting to conferences and workshops both in Australia & internationally.
Development of Online Training Modules
Training can be delivered through online mediums for individuals and staff. The training modules are tailored to your requirements. Common modules include:
Identification and impact of problem behaviours;
Managing problem behaviours in the workplace;
Aggression and violence against gender, race and vulnerable groups.
Policy Review and Development
Code Black have expertise in policy review and development for organisations including in tertiary education sector (i.e. student misconduct).